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InjectMan® 4
dynamický mikromanipulátor eppendorf

- Výrobce: Calibre Celltech - (Eppendorf CellTech)
- Kód produktu: 5192000019
- Dostupnost: Obvykle skladem
- Velikost balení: 1 strana mikromanipulátoru
Product Information
Minimal lesion hole size for high cell survival rates are key in your DNA/RNA, protein or fluorescent dye microinjection experiment? Or you want to speed up your serial adherent cell injections to ~20-30 cells/min? The InjectMan® 4 electronically coupled with the FemtoJet® 4i/x supports you with easy (semi-automatic) microinjections into adherent cells, smaller organisms (e.g. zebrafish) and embryos in the early stages of development.
Zařazení produktu
- Brožury